1st Workshop on Data Science and Statistical Learning
Data Science is a multidisciplinary field of methods and processes for obtaining information from data, encompassing techniques from Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Engineering fields. Constant increase of data storage and processing capacity has made a large amount of information available. In this context, data exploration and analysis demands not only statistical methods, but also computational techniques. Therefore, Data Science naturally links the aforementioned areas in order to provide solutions to challenges faced by other areas, such as Astronomy, Biology, Epidemiology, Financial, Linguistic, Industrial, Medicine, among others. The Workshop on Data Science and Statistical Learning (WDSSL) aims to foster discussion, to present the development and potentialities and to oxygenate the Data Science area in Espírito Santo, emphasizing multidisciplinary, fundamental element of applied and theoretical research.
October 18th, 2019 - Deadline for early registration (R$ 35,00 students / R$ 70,00 professionals).
October 31th, 2019 - 2nd deadline for registration (R$ 50,00 students / R$ 100,00 professionals).
After October 31th, 2019 - 3rd deadline for registration (R$ 70,00 students / R$ 140,00 professionals).
Agatha Sacramento Rodrigues (DaSLab and LECON/DEST-UFES)
Alessandro J. Q. Sarnaglia (DaSLab and LECON/DEST-UFES)
Bartolomeu Zamprogno (DaSLab and LECON/DEST-UFES)
Fabio A. Fajardo Molinares (DaSLab and LECON/DEST-UFES)
Luciana Graziela de Godoi (DaSLab and LECON/DEST-UFES)
Nataly Adriana Jimenez Monroy (DaSLab and LECON/DEST-UFES)